Sunday, February 7, 2010

Improving isolation in the attic (cont.)

As mentioned yesterday. they put some isolation mats on top of the ventilation pipes in the attic on Friday. In the first of the attached pictures you can see the black outside (and the yellow isolation material) of these mats.

Today I measured the temperature on the surface of these mats compared to the mats further in (where there are no ventilation pipes). The area without ventilation pipes was at 0C, while the outside temperature of the mats that were sitting directly on top of the ventilation pipes was +5C.

The pictures attached below show that there are still ventilation pipes in the attic where there have been no attempt at improving the isolation. At these points, like the the "silver-covered" boxes that sit on top of the ventilation valves in the livingroom, the surface temperature is actually at +7C to +10C. 

Since they have not told me that they consider themselves finished in the attic, I will sit patiently and wait for a statusmessage from them.         


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